GLACIER Structures And Developers has executed many diverse and complex structures in various fields of Civil construction such as Residential, Commercial, Educational and Industrial works to the complete satisfaction of our esteemed clients. We strive to maintain maximum utility in each corner of our work and we do not compromise with quality and durability.
Our aim is to delight customers by delivering quality projects and services in the scheduled time, continually evaluating and utilizing opportunities for improvement, in accordance with international standards.

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About us
GLACIER Structures And Developers,a Thiruvananthapuram based builders,executed many diverse and complex structures in various fields of construction such as Residential, Commercial,Educational and Industrial works to the complete satisfaction of our esteemed clients. We strive to maintain maximum utility in each corner of our work,while adhering to the great Indian Science of Vastushastra and We do not compromise with quality and durability.
Office address
Our Office Addreess :

Location : Glacier Structures and Developers, Maithry Nagar 70, Chandanathope P.O Kollam 691014
Telp : +91 9961 5020 60
Email : navaskhan2000@gmail.com
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